Info Populer 2022

Pemahaman Exposition Text, Generic Structure, Language Feature, Dan Acuan

Pemahaman Exposition Text, Generic Structure, Language Feature, Dan Acuan
Pemahaman Exposition Text, Generic Structure, Language Feature, Dan Acuan

Pengertian Exposition Text, Generic Structure, Language Feature, dan Contoh – Exposition text bermacam-macam menurut bagaimana berita disuguhkan, apakah dianalisis, interpretasi, atau evaluasi. Exposition text memperlihatkan gosip atau mengajak dan menerangkan kepada pembaca tentang bagaimana dan mengapa suatu fenomena yang ada di sekitar bisa terjadi. Exposition text bias disuguhkan dalam nada/nuansa yang langsung dan emosional. Jenis exposition text di antaranya ialah hortatory exposition dan analytical exposition.

Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory exposition adalah teks yang ditulis dengan maksud untuk menerangkan perihal apa yang sebaiknya terjadi dan tidak semestinya terjadi. Hortatory exposition bias didapatkan dalam buku sains, jurnal, majalah, postingan koran, ceramah akademik, laporan observasi, dll. Untuk menguatkan penjelasan yang diberikan, penulis umumnya menunjukkan usulan yang melandasi penjelesan tersebut.

Generic Structure:

1. Thesis statement : Isu yang diangkat dalam teks.

2. Arguments : Pendapat terkait informasi.

3. Recommendation : nasehat tentang apa yang seharusnya terjadi dan tidak.

Language features:

1. Simple Present Tense

2. Modals

3. Action verbs

4. Thinking verbs

5. Adverbs

6. Adjective

7. Technical terms

8. General and abstract noun

9. Connectives/transition

Contoh hortatory exposition:

The Effects of Social Media Networking for Teenagers


Social media networking are already popular among teenagers who use any kind of gadget and smart phone. It brings some effects to their development. It could bring bad effects if they are not guided to use it wisely.

Argument 1:

Teenagers could be difficult to concentrate and focus when they are studying. They can be very dependent on it.


Argument 2:

It could lead the teenagers to be absent in the direct socialization process in which it is more important at their age to build their social skill.


Considering some facts above, let us reduce the bad impacts of the use of social media networking for teenagers:

1. It needs parents’ involvement in controlling their teenagers’ activity on social media networking.

2. Parents should direct their teenagers to join activities which attract their interest.

3. Parents should have more conversations with their teenagers.

Analytical Exposition

Analytical exposition text yakni teks yang memaparkan wangsit penulis tentang fenomena di sekitarnya. Tujuannya yaitu untuk mengajak pembaca perduli kepada apa yang sedang dibahas dan menawarkan perhatian mereka terhadap info tersebut. Perbedaannya dengan hortatory exposition adalah pada rekomendasi yang diberikan. Karena, dalam analytical exposition tidak terdapat nasehat, hanya memberikan kesimpulan di selesai teks.

Generic Structure:

1. Thesis statement: pernyataan yang memaparkan topic dalam teks dan mengambarkan posisi penulis dan juga kerangka pertimbangan sang penulis.

2. Arguments: pertimbangan yang mendukung topik utama.

3. Conclusion : kesimpulan dari yang sudah dipaparkan.

Language Features:

• Use of simple present tense.

• Use of relational processes.

• Use of internal conjunction to state argument.

• Reasoning through casual conjunction or nominalization.

Contoh analytical exposition:

Why Should We Continue Our Study to University

Nowadays, education becomes the way to make people human. It is believed to develop people’s mind and sharpen their skill and aptitude. It can give them opportunity to store knowledge and implement it in their life.

In this periode, everything grows fast and competition becomes culture in the many field. Globalization demands people to survive from the competition. It is undeniable that to get better salary and job, people need to meet the qualifications, and education or any kind of degree is always the first on list. Therefore, people need to go to university.

University does not only provide education in terms of knowledge and skills. There are many opportunities to build networking which is very important to support their career in the future.

Due to some reasons that have been explained above, people should continue their study to university as the bridge to brighthen up their future and a better life.


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