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Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Pola Past Participle

Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Pola Past Participle
Pengertian, Fungsi, Dan Pola Past Participle

Pengertian, Fungsi, dan Contoh Past Participle – Past participle yaitu participle yang terbentuk dengan menyertakan akhiran –ed dan –d atau akhirannya diubah menjadi -ied pada kata dasarnya adalah regular verb. Pada irregular verb, bentuk past participle berubah-ubah, polanya tidak dapat ditentukan secara pasti, bentuknya mengikuti yang telah diputuskan.

Fungsi Past Participle dan Contoh

Secara biasa , participle mampu berfungsi sebagai sebagai verb atau (kata kerja). Selain itu, past participle juga mampu dipakai selaku adjective atau kata sifat yang bisa diletakan sebelum kata benda ataupun sesudah kata benda.

1. Past Participle selaku Verb

Penggunaan past participle selaku verb, perlu disandingkan dengan auxiliary verb (kata kerja bantu) [aux + past participle]. Past participle dipakai dalam perfect tense dan passive voice (kalimat pasif).

Contoh past participle dalam present perfect tense:

1. We have eaten all of the pizzas.

2. He has played games on computer for 5 hours.

3. Sania has arrived in Jakarta since 2 hours ago.

4. They have gained some pounds during holiday.

5. The cat has slept for 12 hours.

Contoh past participle dalam past perfect tense:

1. People had registered in the marathon championship three days ago.

2. Leila had gone to Chicago yesterday.

3. Heidi had bought some stuff for his preparation to face the field trip this morning.

4. Pevita had known the truth of the case 5 days ago but she was not confident to reveal it in public.

5. Yesi had received the gifts from me ten hours ago.


Contoh past participle dalam passive voice:

1. Ani and I are invited to the alumni party.

2. Some books of education system in the library are borrowed by Nadia.

3. The cat is chased by Robin.

4. Linda was never expected to get bad score, but she got it today.

5. The foods were delivered by my father to my dormitory yesterday.

2. Past participle sebagai adjective

Past participle juga dapat dipakai selaku adjective (kata sifat) dan reduced adjective clause dalam bentuk kalimat pasif.

Contoh past participle sebagai adjective:

1. Samin is bored when he only stays at home during the holiday.

2. The book was broken when I opened the steal.

3. The doctor was disappointed at the work of some nurses in the hospital.

4. The spoiled child is sent by her mother to the boarding school.

5. The fixed schedule was announced by the committee yesterday.

Contoh Past Participle pada Reduced Adjective Clause dalam bentuk kalimat pasif:

1. Adjective clause : The bananas which were bought by my mother are sweet and delicious.

Reduced adjective clause : The bananas bought by my mother are sweet and delicious.

2. Adjective clause : The event which is held by the government will be fabulous and attracts people’s attention.

Reduced adjective clause : The event held by the government will be fabulous and attracts people’s attention.

3. Adjective clause : The memories which are treasured by us will remain forever in our mind.

Reduced adjective clause : The memories treasured by us will remain forever in our mind.

4. Adjective clause : The sound which was heard by me in the midnight was mysterious.

Reduced adjective clause : The sound heard by me in the midnight was mysterious.

5. Adjective clause : The balloons which are blew by them fly away to the sky.

Reduced adjective clause : The balloons blew by them fly away to the sky.


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